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5 ways to save water and keep your energy energy bills low

Published by : Eva on 10 March 2022

Want to get to grips with water consumption in your home? There are many modern plumbing developments that help save water, help the environment and help save you money in the process.  We’ve put together for you the top 5 ways to save water and keep your energy bills low, read them here:

  1. Solar powered hot water systems - Install panels or tubes (solar collectors) on your roof to gather energy from the sun that will warm water for storage in a hot thermal storage container which is designed to provide hot water reserves to be used for showering, bathing and hot water taps. Doing this will reduce your carbon footprint by 30 percent and you are likely to save lots of money on your energy bills each year. Solar powered heating systems work best if you have a sunny place to put your solar panels, space for a large hot water cylinder and if your current boiler is compatible with solar water heating; you may also need planning permission if you live in a conservation area or listed building. 
  2. Motion sensory taps - Installing motion sensory taps in your property can reduce your energy consumption and keeps energy bills lows. For instance, whenever a tap on and its not in use, the motion sensor will detect this and turn it off automatically. Many workplaces and public bathrooms are installing motion sensory taps to reduce water waste, improve hygiene, water safety and convenience. Although sensory taps need electricity in order to work, they are still much more energy efficient than traditional hand-operated taps because the water flow, usage and temperature are predetermined settings. This means that there is no splashing, overflow or (extremely hot or freezing) temperatures which would normally require more energy and as a result, water wastage and higher bills. 
  3. Dual flush toilet - Nowadays, most modern or renovated homes have dual flush toilets unlike most older and traditional homes that will still use a single flush toilet. Nonetheless, it is possible for a single flush toilet to be upgraded/converted into a dual flush toilet system. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that dual flush toilets can save 4,000 gallons of water annually at home; and according to ‘World Plumbing council’ dual flush toilets use as little as 3 litres of water on half flush and 4.5 litres on a full flush. 
  4. Low-flow shower heads - Showering is one of the leading ways in which we consume water in the home. A low flow shower head is designed to lower water pressure and less flow than an ordinary or powerful showerhead. According to the ‘World Plumbing Council’ switching from an average 9L per min shower head to a 7.5L per min can save more than 500L of water per year. Not only would this manage water waste and reduce electricity bills but it is also environmentally-friendly. 
  5. Pipe fixtures - Old pipes or poorly fitted pipes could lead to burst pipes and significant water leaks. Therefore, high-water wastage and expensive water bills. If you think that your pipes could do with a service then ensure to call a professional plumber. Pettifer plumbing are based in Enfield, UK and cover a range of neighbouring boroughs and counties. Call us on 020 837 9969.